Brazilian Terrier

USD $500-$700 Price Avg.

Hunting Dogs


Cross Breed

Breed Type



12-14 years


Breed Information

Group Hunting Dogs
Popularity/Rank 490
Origin Brazil
Other Names Fox Paulistinha, Terrier Brasileiro
Breed Type Cross Breed
Price (Avg.) USD $500-$700
How much does it cost to buy a Brazilian Terrier?
Brazilian Terrier are usually priced differently from breeder to breeder and from place to place. As a rough guide, you can expect to pay between $500 to $700 if you purchase your dog from a reputable breeder. The price will increase if the dog has a fantastic pedigree. Dogs that already have basic training maybe even more expensive. But, most Brazilian Terriers can be adopted through a shelter for a lower fee.
Size Small
Weight 15-20 pounds (7-9 kg)
Height 14-16 inches (36-41 cm)
Lifespan 12-14 years
Recognized by FCI
Not recognized by the American Kennel Club. And FCI in the Terriers group, in the Large and medium sized Terriers section.
Purpose Companion, Guardian, Vermin Hunter
Date of Origin 19th Century
Ancestry Chihuahua, Jack Russell Terrier, Miniature Pinscher

Appearance & Maintenance

Coat Smooth
Coat Colors Black, Blue, Tricolor, White
Grooming Level
Shedding Level
Eye Color Possibilities Amber, Brown
Nose Color Possibilities Black
Coat Color Possibilities Black, Brown, Pied, White
Coat Length Small
Coat Density Normal
Coat Texture Straight
Recommended Brushes Comb, Pin Brush, Slicker Brush
Brushing Frequency Weekly

Breed Characteristics

Temperament Active, Alert, Delicate, Friendly, Gentle, Keen, Restless, Vigilant
Sensitivity Level
Affection Level
Social Interaction Required
Watchdog Ability
Biting Force Low
Impulse to Wander or Roam
Prey Drive
Tolerates Being Left Alone
Fighting Dog Not really

Good & Friendly with

Apartment Life Friendly
Stranger Friendly
Cat Friendly
Dog Friendly
Office Friendly No
Senior Citizens Friendly
Pet Friendly
Friendly with First Time Owners Yes
Service Dog Not really
Therapy Dog Not really
Detection, Sniffer or Security Dog Not really
Search and Rescue Dog (SAR) Not really
Boat Dog Not really
Cart Pulling or Drafting Dog Not really

Health Elements

Health Issues
Health Problems Dental Problems, Ear Infections, Eye Infections, Liver Issues, Skin Allergies
Hypoallergenic No
Energy Level
Exercise Required
Sleeping Required
Weight Gain Potential
Weather & Climate Prefers average to warm weather conditions
Stinkiness Medium
Drooling tendency
Activity Level Moderate
Rec. Walk Mileage Per Week 14 miles
Minutes of Activity Per Day 80 minutes

Food & Costing

Avg. Daily Food 0.5 to 1.5 cups of high-quality dry food a day, divided into two meals.
Cups Per Day 1 cups
Daily Cost $1.00 - $2.00
Monthly Cost $30.00 - $40.00


Gestation Duration 60-64 days
How often can the Brazilian Terrier have a litter? Once a year.
Litter Size 4-7 puppies (Once a year.)


The Brazilian Terrier is a small, energetic breed of dog that originated in Brazil. It is a cross between the Fox Terrier and the Miniature Pinscher. The Brazilian Terrier has a unique appearance with its short, wiry coat and pointed ears. It has an alert expression and an athletic build that makes it well-suited for agility competitions.

The average lifespan of the Brazilian Terrier is 12 to 15 years. They typically weigh between 10 to 15 pounds and stand at about 12 to 14 inches tall at the shoulder. The most common colors for this breed are black, white, tan, or brindle with white markings on their chest and feet.

The personality of the Brazilian Terrier is friendly and outgoing. They are intelligent dogs that love to please their owners and can be easily trained with positive reinforcement methods such as clicker training or reward-based training. They are also very active dogs that need plenty of exercise in order to stay healthy and happy.

Brazilian Terriers are generally friendly with other dogs, cats, children, and other animals if they have been properly socialized from a young age. However, they can be territorial if not properly trained or socialized so it’s important to introduce them slowly into new situations or environments in order to prevent any potential aggression issues from arising later on down the line.

The temperament of the Brazilian Terrier is loyal but independent which makes them great companions for active families who enjoy spending time outdoors together as well as those who want an independent pet who will still show affection when needed without being overly clingy or needy all the time like some breeds tend to be prone towards doing so .

In terms of health concerns, this breed does not have any major health issues but may suffer from minor ones such as allergies or skin problems due to its short coat which can make it more susceptible than other breeds when exposed to certain environmental factors such as dust mites or pollen . Additionally , they may also suffer from hip dysplasia due to their small size which can cause joint pain over time if not treated properly . Therefore , regular checkups with your veterinarian should be done in order ensure your pet stays healthy throughout its life .

When it comes adaptability , this breed does quite well in both urban settings as well as rural ones since they do not require much space for exercise . Additionally , they do not bark excessively making them ideal pets for apartment living where noise levels must remain low . Furthermore , these dogs are very easy going when it comes interacting with strangers making them great family pets since everyone will feel comfortable around them quickly .

Overall , owning a Brazilian Terrier dog can bring many benefits into your life including companionship , loyalty , intelligence , playfulness , adaptability , low maintenance grooming needs (due to their short coats)and overall good health (if taken care of properly). All these qualities make this breed one of the best choices out there when looking for a new pet!


The Brazilian Terrier is a small, tenacious, and fearless breed of dog that is native to Brazil. The breed is also known as the Fox Paulistinha, and was originally developed in the early 1900s to control vermin on farms and ranches. The Brazilian Terrier is a descendant of the Smooth Fox Terrier, and was brought to Brazil by English immigrants. The breed nearly became extinct in the 1970s due to a lack of interest from breeders, but was saved by a few dedicated fanciers who began breeding the dogs again. The Brazilian Terrier is now recognized as a distinct breed by several kennel clubs, and is gaining popularity as a companion dog in both Brazil and other countries.

The Brazilian Terrier is a small dog, with adults weighing between 11 and 13 pounds (5-6 kg). The breed has a short, smooth coat that comes in two colors: black-and-tan or tricolor (black, white, and tan). The Brazilian Terrier has a square-shaped head with erect ears, and almond-shaped eyes that are dark brown in color. The body of the Brazilian Terrier is compact and muscular, with well-defined chest muscles. The tail of the Brazilian Terrier is typically docked (cut short) to about half its original length.

The Brazilian Terrier is an energetic and lively breed that loves to play. They are intelligent dogs that are quick to learn new tricks, and are also very trainable. Despite their small size, Brazilian Terriers make excellent watchdogs due to their fearless nature. They are loyal and affectionate dogs that bond closely with their families, but can be reserved around strangers.Brazilian Terriers require moderate amounts of exercise, and do best in homes with yards where they can run and play. They are relatively easy to groom, but do require regular brushing to remove dead hair from their coats.

The Brazilian Terrier has a long history in Brazil dating back to the early 1900s when they were first bred for farm work. However, it wasn't until recently that they gained recognition as an official breed outside of Brazil. In fact, the first recorded mention of the Brazilian Terrier outside of Brazil came from an Englishman living in Argentina who saw one of these dogs on a farm in Brazil during a visit in 1925 . It wasn't until 1957 that any attempt was made to bring the Brazilian Terrier into England , but this effort failed . It wasn't until 1974 that two Smooth Fox terriers were imported from Brazil into England , finally giving rise to the start of the British line of Brazilian terriers . In 1977 , three more dogs were imported from Brazil , this time into Canada . From there , interest in the breed slowly began to spread throughout North America and Europe . Today , there are still relatively few Brazilian terriers outside of Brazil , but their popularity continues to grow .

The ancestry of the Brazilian terrier can be traced back to England where they were originally bred for hunting foxes . However , it's believed that they may have descended from other terriers brought over by English immigrants who settled in Argentina and Uruguay before eventually making their way into Brazil . While it's unclear exactly how or when they arrived in Brazil , it's thought that they may have been used for ratting or as watchdogs on farms . Regardless of their exact origins , it's clear that theBrazilian terrier has been present in Brazil for quite some time .

The first recorded mention of theBrazilian terrier outsideofBrazilcame from an Englishman livinginArgentinawho saw oneof these dogsona farminBrazil duringa visitin 1925 . It wasn't until 1957that any attemptwas madeto bringtheBrazilianterriertoEnglandbutthis effortfailedIt wasn'tuntil 1974that twoSmoothFoxterrierswere importedfrom Brazili ntoEnglandfinallygivingriseto startofBritishlineof Braziliant erriersIn 1977three moredogswereimportedfrom Brazili ntoCanadafromtheretheninterest inthebreedslowlybeganto spreadthroughoutNorthAmericaand EuropeTodaytherearestillrelativelyfew Brazili ant erriersoutsideofBrazibuttheirpopularitycontinuesto grow