Styrian Coarse - haired Hound

USD $1,200 - $1,500 Price Avg.

Hunting Dogs



Breed Type



12-14 years


Breed Information

Group Hunting Dogs
Popularity/Rank 554
Origin Austria
Other Names Hochgebirgsbracke, Peintinger Bracke, Steirische Rauhhaarbracke, Steirische Rauhhaarige, Wirehair Styrian Mountain
Breed Type Purebred
Price (Avg.) USD $1,200 - $1,500
How much does it cost to purchase a Styrian Coarse - haired Hound?
The price of a Styrian Coarse - haired Hound will vary from breeder to breeder as well as from place to place. As a rough guide, you should expect to pay between $1,200 to $1,500 per Styrian Coarse - haired Hound if you purchase from a reputable breeder. Prices will be higher for show-quality dogs with a distinguished pedigree. Adult dogs who have already been trained may cost even more. It is usually less expensive to adopt a Styrian Coarse - haired Hound through a shelter.
Size Medium
Weight Male: 35-45 pounds (16-20 kg),
Female: 30-40 pounds (14-18 kg)
Height Male: 17-21 inches (43-53 cm),
Female: 18-20 inches (46-51 cm)
Lifespan 12-14 years
Recognized by
Not recognized by the American Kennel Club.
Purpose Companionship
Date of Origin 1880
Ancestry Austrian

Appearance & Maintenance

Coat Coarse, Wiry
Coat Colors Fawn, Red, Yellow
Grooming Level
Shedding Level
Eye Color Possibilities Amber, Brown, Hazel, Blue, Green
Nose Color Possibilities Black, Brown, Tan, Liver, Red, Yellow
Coat Color Possibilities Fawn, Red, Black and Tan, Brindle, White, Grey, Blue, Silver
Coat Length Medium
Coat Density Medium
Coat Texture Coarse
Recommended Brushes Slicker brush, Pin brush, Undercoat rake, Shedding blade, Grooming mitt, Nail clippers.
Brushing Frequency Once a week

Breed Characteristics

Temperament Affectionate, Caring, Dedicated, Devoted, Dominant, Intelligent, Loyal
Sensitivity Level
Affection Level
Social Interaction Required
Watchdog Ability
Biting Force Low
Impulse to Wander or Roam
Prey Drive
Tolerates Being Left Alone
Fighting Dog Not really

Good & Friendly with

Apartment Life Friendly
Stranger Friendly
Cat Friendly
Dog Friendly
Office Friendly Yes
Senior Citizens Friendly
Pet Friendly
Friendly with First Time Owners No
Service Dog Not really
Therapy Dog Not really
Detection, Sniffer or Security Dog Not really
Search and Rescue Dog (SAR) Not really
Boat Dog Not really
Cart Pulling or Drafting Dog Not really

Health Elements

Health Issues
Health Problems Anesthesia Sensitivity, Bloat, Cancer, Ear Infections, Hip Dysplasia, Obesity, Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA)
Hypoallergenic No
Energy Level
Exercise Required
Sleeping Required
Weight Gain Potential
Weather & Climate Tolerates warm and cold weather.
Stinkiness Medium
Drooling tendency
Activity Level High
Rec. Walk Mileage Per Week 10 miles
Minutes of Activity Per Day 60

Food & Costing

Avg. Daily Food 1.5 to 2 cups of high-quality dry food a day, divided into two or three meals.
Cups Per Day 3 cups
Daily Cost $20-$30
Monthly Cost $50-$100


Gestation Duration 60-64 days
How often can the Styrian Coarse - haired Hound have a litter? Once a year.
Litter Size 4-5 puppies (Once a year.)


The Styrian Coarse-haired Hound is a medium-sized breed of dog that originated in Austria. It is a versatile hunting dog, used for tracking and trailing game, as well as pointing and retrieving. The breed has a distinctive coarse coat that is short and dense, with an undercoat that is thick and wooly. The coat comes in various colors including black, brown, tan, white, red and yellow.

The Styrian Coarse-haired Hound has an average lifespan of 12 to 14 years. They are typically between 18 to 22 inches tall at the shoulder and weigh between 40 to 55 pounds when fully grown.

The Styrian Coarse-haired Hound has a friendly personality that makes them great family pets. They are loyal companions who love spending time with their owners and enjoy being part of the family activities. They are also very intelligent dogs who can be easily trained with patience and consistency.

The Styrian Coarse-haired Hound is generally friendly with other dogs, cats, children, and other animals if they have been properly socialized from an early age. However they can be quite vocal when it comes to strangers or unfamiliar animals so it’s important to introduce them slowly into new situations or environments in order to ensure their safety as well as the safety of those around them.

The temperament of the Styrian Coarse-haired Hound is alert yet gentle; they make excellent watchdogs but will not bark excessively unless there’s something worth barking about! They are also very active dogs who need plenty of exercise on a daily basis in order to stay healthy both physically and mentally; this includes regular walks or runs as well as playtime with their owners or other dogs in order for them to stay happy and contented throughout their lives.

In terms of health issues the Styrian Coarse-haired Hound is generally considered quite healthy but like all breeds they may be prone to certain conditions such as hip dysplasia or eye problems so it’s important for potential owners to research these issues before bringing one home so that any potential problems can be identified early on if necessary.

When it comes to adaptability the Styrian Coarse-haired Hound does best when living indoors with its family; however they do need access outdoors on a regular basis in order for them to get enough exercise which will help keep them both physically fit as well as mentally stimulated throughout their lives! As long as these needs are met then this breed makes an excellent pet for those looking for an active yet loyal companion who loves spending time outdoors exploring new places!

Overall the benefits of owning a Styrian Coarse-haired Hound include having an intelligent yet gentle companion who loves spending time outdoors exploring new places while still being loyal enough at home where he/she can provide protection if needed! This breed also requires minimal grooming which makes them ideal for busy households looking for low maintenance pets!


The Styrian Coarse-haired Hound is a breed of dog that originated in Austria. The breed is also known as the Styrian Mountain Hound, the Styrian Scenthound, and the Austrian Coarse-haired Hound. The Styrian Coarse-haired Hound is a large breed of dog, with males weighing up to 65 pounds and females weighing up to 55 pounds. The coat of the Styrian Coarse-haired Hound is coarse and dense, with a thick undercoat. The coat is black, brown, or tan in color, with white markings on the chest and feet. The head of the Styrian Coarse-haired Hound is large and round, with a long muzzle. The ears are long and drooping, and the eyes are brown or hazel in color.

The history of the Styrian Coarse-haired Hound dog can be traced back to Austria in the early 1800s. At that time, there were two types of hounds in Austria - the Smooth-coated Hound and the Rough-coated Hound. The Smooth-coated Hound was used for hunting foxes, while the Rough-coated Hound was used for hunting deer. In 1817, Johann von Schiller crossbred these two types of hounds to create a new breed - the Styrian Coarse-haired Hound. This new breed was used for hunting deer in the mountains of Austria.

TheStyrian Coarse-haired Hound breed almost extinct during World War II. After the war ended, only a few dogs remained alive. However, these few dogs were used to create a new generation of Styrian Coarse-haired Hounds. In recent years, this breed has become popular again due to its hunting ability and loyalty as a family pet.

The ancestry of theStyrian Coarse - haired Hound dog can be traced back to two different types of hounds -the Smooth - coatedhoundandthe Rough - coatedhound . These two typesofhoundswere originally bredinAustria duringthe early 1800s . Johann von Schiller crossbredthese twotypesofhoundsin order to createa newbreedofdog known astheStyrianCoarse - hairedHound . Thisnewbreedofdog wasusedforhuntingdeer inthe mountainsand forestsorAustria .

DuringWorld War II , thenumberofStyrianCoarse - hairedHounddogs decreaseddrasticallydue tobombsbeingdroppedinthe areaswheretheywerebred . Afterthewarended , onlya fewdogsremainedaliveandthesefewdogswereusedtocreatenewgenerationsofStyrians . Inrecent years , thisbreedhas becomepopularagain dueto itshuntingabilityand loyaltyasafamilypet .