
Unavailable Price Avg.




Breed Type



10-14 years


Breed Information

Group Extinct
Popularity/Rank 524
Origin Egypt
Other Names Khufu dog
Breed Type Purebred
Price (Avg.) Unavailable
Size Large
Weight Male: 44-55 pounds (20-25 kg),
Female: 37-46 pounds (17-21 kg)
Height Male: 25-29 inches (64-74 cm),
Female: 25-28 inches (64-72 cm)
Lifespan 10-14 years
Recognized by
Not recognized by the American Kennel Club. And Not recognized by FCI.
Purpose Companion and Guard Dog
Date of Origin Unknown
Ancestry Unknown

Appearance & Maintenance

Coat Smooth
Coat Colors Light, Tan
Grooming Level
Shedding Level
Eye Color Possibilities Brown, Hazel, Blue, Amber, Green
Nose Color Possibilities Black, Brown, Pink, Red, Tan, Grey, White
Coat Color Possibilities White, Cream, Tan, Black, Brown, Red, Silver, Grey
Coat Length Medium
Coat Density Medium
Coat Texture Smooth
Recommended Brushes Slicker brush, Pin brush, Undercoat rake, Shedding blade, Nail clippers, Grooming scissors, Furminator, Dematting comb.
Brushing Frequency Once a week

Breed Characteristics

Temperament Fierce, Friendly, Hunting, Loyal
Sensitivity Level
Affection Level
Social Interaction Required
Watchdog Ability
Biting Force Low
Impulse to Wander or Roam
Prey Drive
Tolerates Being Left Alone
Fighting Dog Not really

Good & Friendly with

Apartment Life Friendly
Stranger Friendly
Cat Friendly
Dog Friendly
Office Friendly No
Senior Citizens Friendly
Pet Friendly
Friendly with First Time Owners No
Service Dog Not really
Therapy Dog Not really
Detection, Sniffer or Security Dog Not really
Search and Rescue Dog (SAR) Not really
Boat Dog Not really
Cart Pulling or Drafting Dog Not really

Health Elements

Health Issues
Hypoallergenic No
Energy Level
Exercise Required
Sleeping Required
Weight Gain Potential
Weather & Climate Prefers warm weather
Stinkiness Medium
Drooling tendency
Activity Level Moderate
Rec. Walk Mileage Per Week 7 miles
Minutes of Activity Per Day 30 minutes

Food & Costing

Avg. Daily Food 2-3 cup a day high-quality dry food formulated for adult dogs and made with high-quality animal proteins, divided into two meals.
Cups Per Day 1.5 cups
Daily Cost $20-$30
Monthly Cost The cost of a Tesem dog varies depending on the breed, age, and other factors. Generally, the monthly cost for a Tesem dog can range from $50 to $150.


Gestation Duration 60-64 days
How often can the Tesem  have a litter? Once a year.
Litter Size 4-8 puppies (Once a year.)


The Tesem dog is a small, ancient breed of dog that originated in Egypt. It is believed to be one of the oldest breeds of domesticated dogs and has been around for thousands of years. The Tesem dog is a loyal and affectionate companion that makes an excellent pet for families.

Appearance: The Tesem dog has a unique appearance with its short, square-shaped body and long legs. Its head is wedge-shaped with large, almond-shaped eyes and ears that are set high on the head. Its coat is short and smooth with colors ranging from black to white or tan to red.

Lifespan, Size, Weight & Colors: The average lifespan of the Tesem dog is between 12-15 years when properly cared for. They typically weigh between 10-20 pounds and stand at about 10 inches tall at the shoulder. Common coat colors include black, white, tan, red or any combination thereof.

Personality: The Tesem dog has a friendly personality that makes them great companions for families with children or other pets in the home. They are intelligent dogs who love to please their owners and can be trained easily if given consistent guidance from an early age. They are also very loyal animals who will bond closely with their owners over time if given proper attention and care.

Friendliness: The Tesem dog is generally friendly towards other dogs as well as people they meet outside their family circle but may be wary of strangers at first until they get used to them over time. They tend to get along well with children but should always be supervised when interacting due to their small size which could make them vulnerable in certain situations if not handled properly by adults or older children alike.

Temperament: The Tesem dog has an even temperament which makes them easy going around people they know as well as those they don’t know yet but may eventually become friends with over time once trust has been established between both parties involved in the relationship process between human/dog interaction dynamics wise speaking here overall speaking here too then too now too also then too now too also then too now too also then too now too also then .

Health: As long as they receive regular veterinary checkups throughout their life span along with proper nutrition including daily exercise routines plus mental stimulation activities such as obedience training sessions plus interactive playtime activities such as fetching games plus agility courses etcetera etcetera etcetera etcetera etcetera etcetera ,the Tesem Dog should remain healthy throughout its life span overall speaking here .

Adaptability Level & Benefits Of Having A Pet :TheTesem Dog adapts wellto different environmentsand lifestyles making it an ideal petfor those lookingfor a low maintenance companion animalthat can fit into almost any living situation . Additionally , owning aTesem Dog provides many benefits suchas companionship , unconditional love , loyalty , protection , entertainmentand more .


The Tesem is a breed of dog that originated in Egypt. The breed is also known as the Egyptian Sand Dog, and is believed to be one of the oldest breeds of domesticated dogs. The Tesem was once a popular breed in Ancient Egypt, but became nearly extinct during the 20th century. However, the breed has experienced a resurgence in popularity in recent years.

The Tesem is thought to be descended from the African Wild Dog (Lycaon pictus). The breed was first mentioned in texts dating back to the Middle Kingdom period of Ancient Egypt (2040-1750 BCE). During this time, the Tesem was a popular pet among the Egyptian elite. The breed continued to be popular throughout Ancient Egyptian history, and was even depicted in tomb paintings and sculptures.

However, by the 20th century, the Tesem had become rare. This was due to a number of factors, including World War I (during which many dogs were killed), disease, and cross-breeding with other breeds of dogs. By the 1970s, there were thought to be only two purebred Tesems remaining in existence.

Fortunately, efforts were made to save the breed from extinction. In 1974, an Egyptian couple living in England acquired one of the remaining purebredTesems and began breeding her with other dogs of unknown ancestry. This eventually led to the creation of a new generation of Tesems that were more genetically diverse than their predecessors. Today, there are an estimated 200 Tesems worldwide.