Scottish Fold

USD $1000 - $2000 Price Avg.




Lap Cat

11 to 14 years


Breed Information

Popularity/Rank 9
Name Scottish Fold
Other names Scot Fold
Origin United Kingdom
Size Medium
Coat Dense, Long Hair, Plush, Soft, Short Hair
Lap Cat No
Lifespan 11 to 14 years
Temperament Intelligent, Loving, Loyal, Playful, Social, Sweet, Affectionate
The Scottish Fold is an intelligent breed of cat, known for its quick wit and playful nature. They are often very loving and loyal to their owners, and enjoy spending time socialising with them. They can be quite mischievous at times, but this only adds to their charm! Scottish Folds are also known for being sweet-natured and affectionate, making them ideal companions.
Weight Female: 6 - 9 pounds, Male: 9 - 13 pounds
Colors Black, Blue, Cream, Red, Silver, White
Kitten Prices USD $1000 - $2000
A Scottish Fold kitten can cost anywhere from $1000 to $2000 USD. The price of a Scottish Fold kitten depends on the breeder, the reputation of the breeder, and the quality of the kitten.
The price of a Scottish Fold kitten also depends on the parents of the kitten. If the parents are from a reputable breeder, then the kitten will likely be more expensive. If the parents are from a less reputable breeder, then the kitten will likely be less expensive.
The quality of a Scottish Fold kitten also affects its price. A higher quality kitten will be more expensive than a lower quality kitten.
So, is it worth it to choose a Scottish Fold cat? That depends on your budget and what you're looking for in a cat. If you have the budget for it and you're looking for a high-quality cat, then yes, a Scottish Fold cat is worth considering.

Breed Characteristics

Affection Level
Child Friendly
Dog Friendly
Energy Level
Health Issues
Hip dysplasia, patellar luxation, elbow dysplasia, cardiac problems, deafness, and osteochondrodysplasia.
Is Scottish Fold cat Hypoallergenic?
There is no definitive answer to this question as each individual cat's level of allergens can vary. However, Scottish Fold cats are generally considered to be hypoallergenic, meaning they produce fewer allergens than other cats. This makes them a good choice for people with allergies who still want to enjoy the companionship of a feline friend.

1. Hip Dysplasia
Hip dysplasia is a condition that can affect the Scottish Fold cat breed. This condition is caused by a malformation of the hip joint, which can lead to pain and lameness. Treatment for hip dysplasia may include weight management, exercise, and surgery.

2. Patellar Luxation
Patellar luxation is a condition that can affect the Scottish Fold cat breed. This condition is caused by a dislocation of the kneecap, which can lead to pain and lameness. Treatment for patellar luxation may include weight management, exercise, and surgery.

3. Elbow Dysplasia
Elbow dysplasia is a condition that can affect the Scottish Fold cat breed. This condition is caused by a malformation of the elbow joint, which can lead to pain and lameness. Treatment for elbow dysplasia may include weight management, exercise, and surgery.

4. Cardiac Problems
Cardiac problems are a condition that can affect the Scottish Fold cat breed. This condition is caused by a malformation of the heart, which can lead to heart failure. Treatment for cardiac problems may include medication, surgery, and lifestyle changes.

5. Deafness
Deafness is a condition that can affect the Scottish Fold cat breed. This condition is caused by a malformation of the inner ear, which can lead to hearing loss. Treatment for deafness may include hearing aids, sign language, and environmental changes.

6. Osteochondrodysplasia
Osteochondrodysplasia is a condition that can affect the Scottish Fold cat breed. This condition is caused by a malformation of the bones and joints, which can lead to pain and lameness. Treatment for osteochondrodysplasia may include weight management, exercise, and surgery.
Social Needs
Stranger Friendly
Health Care The Scottish Fold is a medium-sized cat with a distinctive folded ear. They are a generally healthy breed, but there are a few health concerns that owners should be aware of. Scottish Folds are prone to a condition called osteochondrodysplasia, which causes the bones to grow abnormally. This can lead to joint pain and mobility problems. Scottish Folds are also at risk for a heart condition called cardiomyopathy. This is a serious condition that can be fatal. Scottish Folds should be seen by a veterinarian regularly and should have their heart checked with a stethoscope at least once a year.


The Scottish Fold is a breed of cat with a natural mutation that causes the ears to fold forward and down, giving them a unique appearance among domestic cats. The breed originated in Scotland in the 1960s, and its folded ears are due to a spontaneous genetic mutation.

The Scottish Fold breed almost became extinct in the 1970s when only two cats remained: Susie, a Fold, and her daughter Snooks, who was half Fold and half British Shorthair. Fortunately, Susie had another litter of kittens in 1971, which included three Folds. These three cats were used to create the Scottish Fold breed as we know it today.

The Scottish Fold became popular in the 1980s when celebrities such as Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran began owning them. Today, they are one of the most popular breeds of cat in the world.

The ancestry of the Scottish Fold is unknown, but it is thought to be related to the British Shorthair. The breed was recognized by The International Cat Association (TICA) in 1986 and by the Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA) in 1987.


The Scottish Fold is a medium-sized cat that originates from Scotland. As the name suggests, this cat has folded ears that give it a unique appearance. The Scottish Fold is a gentle and loving cat that enjoys spending time with its family. It is generally good with other pets and children. Scottish Folds are known for their loyalty and affectionate nature.

This breed does require some special care, as they are prone to certain health conditions such as joint problems and respiratory issues. However, if you are willing to provide your Scottish Fold with the love and care it needs, you will be rewarded with a loyal and loving companion for life.

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