18 Puppy Owners Should Not Do

A puppy's raising can be difficult for both a new and experienced owner. It is important to balance being too protective and giving the puppy a safe environment that allows him to develop his personality.

Without a basic understanding of the rules and regulations of puppy raising, things could quickly turn sour. Housetraining problems, destructive chewing, barking, and other disturbing behaviors can quickly turn good feelings into frustration, even regret. You can make the experience more enjoyable by avoiding common mistakes and mentoring your puppy to adulthood.

You can make a huge difference in the outcome of a puppy's life by what you do and don't do. Happy, confident adult dogs are not just a result of luck. They are also the result of making good decisions and taking care of your puppy right from the beginning (around six months ). ).

Although the genetic makeup of a pup is out of your hands once you've chosen the right breed for you, you can control how you treat him. The pup will be a good example of what you are trying to do, and he will be able to do the right thing ." .

Between 3 and 12 weeks old, puppies experience the so-called sensitive development period. The sensitive period is a time in development when the puppy's development depends on (the right) environmental influences.

This is the time when dogs form primary social relationships with people, and dogs with other dogs. It is important to note that only half the sensitive period is over by the time of adoption. This is why it is crucial for owners to understand the fundamental features of puppy socialization.

These are some tips to help avoid common dog mistakes.

Image credit: richellusa

1. Taking Your Puppy Home Too Soon

This one is huge. This one is huge. Some shelters and breeders allow puppies to leave their litter too quickly. This can cause ingrained problems and shorten the social imprinting process. Too young puppies (less than eight weeks old) can have difficulty learning proper bite inhibition and may not be able to socialize with other dogs or people. These puppies can be anxious and withdrawn towards strangers. You can avoid lifelong problems by choosing a puppy who has lived with its mother and littermates at least eight weeks, or even twelve weeks.

2. Not Starting Basic Training Immediately

A puppy eight weeks old is fully capable of learning basic obedience commands from the moment she enters your home. Many people overlook this fact and assume that housebreaking is the only form of training. This is false! You can teach your pet basic obedience skills like sit, down, stay and come. This will help her to be more confident and give you a sense that she is a happy, well-mannered pet. You can start training immediately!

3. Do not get too hard

Play is a great way to teach your puppy how to behave. To avoid causing damage to your puppy's teeth, or allowing him to swallow rope or fabric, tug-of-war is a good game to play. Pups must learn to play rough. All of this is part of socialization for your dog.

Image credit: thesprucepets

4. Do not give your puppy too much food

These can make your puppy less hungry for healthy, balanced meals. You don't want him to be over-spoiled. You don't want to spoil him.

5. Don't Expect Too Much.

It is one thing to set high standards, but a puppy can't do things it doesn't know or is physically unable to. Young pups can't hold on to their urine for very long periods of time. They behave like children and require frequent emptying of their bladders.

The rule of thumb is that puppies can keep their urine for a certain amount of time ("N") equal to their age in month ("A") plus 1 (upto nine months). It is unfair to punish a 3-month-old pup for urinating on the ground after he has not been out for five hours. If you haven't practiced your recall skills at a distance, it is unfair to tell a puppy to come from a distance and then get mad at him for not coming. Temper your expectations. Think.

6. Don't keep your pup in a crate for more than 20 minutes.

Many people who adopt puppies do not have the time or ability to properly care for them. It's obvious that raising a puppy properly requires time. Don't buy a puppy if you don't have the time. They lock their puppy in a crate to curb his... well, puppy behavior. They keep it shut while they're out, busy or asleep. For this reason, some pups are kept in crate for up to 20 hours per day. The owner is often horrified when their pup goes ballistic after being let out. The Catch-22 solution is to return the puppy to its crate.

A crate is a safe place for puppies to rest and relax. The crate can be used by the puppy to act as a sort of den. However, they don't have doors. While it is acceptable to use the crate to house train, confine the pup for 15-20 minutes every "bathroom break" to allow for the proper deposition of urine outside. Long periods of confinement can lead to hyperactivity, excessive reactive, compulsivity and introversion.

Image credit: spiritdog

7. Do not change the rules. 

Be consistent in deciding which furniture and parts of your house are not allowed. Do not scold your dog for sitting on the couch one day and then allow him to go up the next.

8. Pushing a Puppy's Face in Her Mess

Your ten-week old puppy will not understand what you are trying to teach her. Other than the fact that you seem to be mad at every mess that appears, This will teach your puppy to fear the mess and cause her to go to the closet to get rid of it. To avoid this, you should crate train your dog properly. You can clap several times and say "AAH-AHH!" if you catch her doing it. Then, get her to the right spot quickly. You should also use an odor eliminator to clean the area.

9. Keep your dog close to the outside world.

Veterinarians tell puppy owners to keep their puppy inside until he has had his shots. But they don't consider the horrible cost of failing to socialize the puppy properly during this sensitive time.

Half of the puppies born in the US fail to reach their second birthday. This (unacceptable!) behavior is the main reason for the ongoing holocaust. This problem can be addressed by early socialization, which is just as important as vaccinations. It shouldn't be about vaccination or socialization. Both are equally important and can be done in a way that is dovetailed.

Discuss your concerns with your vet about your puppy's potential exposure to infection. The veterinarian may agree that your puppy can have limited contact with "safe" dogs and people who are familiar in safe areas.

10. Repeating Commands

Don't repeat the same command repeatedly to a puppy once he has learned the behavior. You are training your puppy to sit-sit,sit/sit instead of sit. You will find that she will wait to hear it five times, instead of just once. You can say it once and then wait for another or two. You may not have taught her the behavior properly or she is simply not sitting still. Gently say "no", then walk her to another spot and ask her again verbally. You can also gesture with your fingers and make an upward hand sign, while still holding the treat. Give it to her when she sits for the first time.

11. You should not allow children younger than 6 years old to interact with your puppy.

Many people are surprised to discover that puppies and children, while both adorable, can't be trusted together. Bad things can happen. One of the most common is when a child does "something bad" for the dog. This can be through experimentation or exercising their natural curiosity. One case involved a dog biting a child. This had to be put down. The post-mortem revealed that the child had stuck a pencil in the dog's ears and snapped it off after reaching the dog's eardrum. Complete supervision is required if accidents like these are to be avoided. You should not worry if your dog is starting to get into trouble.

Image credit: propelsteps

12. Failure to Establish a Routine

Dogs love routine. Dogs love routine. Knowing when they will eat and play, sleep, and walk creates confidence that reduces stress and encourages healthy anticipation. It is particularly important for puppies to have a consistent schedule for eating, playing, walking, eliminating and feeding. It can lead to confusion in the puppy's life and cause behavioral problems and accidents. For the first six months, it is important to establish a routine for your puppy. This schedule should include predictable times to eliminate, eat and nap, as well as opportunities to play, train, and play. Sticking to a schedule will instill confidence in your puppy, and help her transition into adulthood.

13. Don't feed it human food: You should not give it from the table.

The best food for puppies is AAFCO approved. The addition of any number or variety of human food will not only make the dog fussy, but also detract from their optimal (proprietary) diet. If the human food is served from the table, your dog will be begging for food all the time. You must start the journey you want to follow. Be firm and set limits.

14. Consoling

Dogs don't understand abstract human concepts like empathy and consolation. Dogs understand simple actions and reactions. For example, if your puppy is scared of a large white dog, it may be a sign that she associates white dogs with danger. A puppy can also learn from a frightening experience that consolation can be helpful. If she is scared and you comfort her, it can reinforce her fear. This can lead to a manipulative and anxious dog. If your dog is experiencing a frightening experience, make sure she is safe and then reward her with praise or a treat. Confidence will be taught by directing your dog away from her fearful behavior and not consoling it.

15. Do Not Expect Love And Attention To Substitute For Good Puppy Parenting.

It is tempting to give your young puppies all you can, but it is important to establish boundaries and limits for acceptable behavior. This is especially important when they are in the "terrible twos" phase at around 4-5 months. You should immediately withdraw your attention from any bad behavior like hard or excessive nipping. This should be followed by a sharp exclamation like No-bite or Ouch. This is how puppies communicate with each other their dislikes and likes. Don't be too harsh on your dog.

woman holding black puppy's head

Image credit: unsplash


The one rule that applies to all dogs is to make them work for treats and food. You might be asking what is work? You have to make the pup sit or down in order to receive them (like Grace). This will ensure that your pup views you as a true leader and resource-rich provider. This simple step can help to eliminate downstream aggression from owners. Do not give up on your rights. Do not give up on your puppy.

17. Failure to Puppy Proof Your Home

Socks, shoes, underwear, toys for children, and even socks can all be destroyed by a puppy on a mission. Exposure to toxic cleaners or solvents, poisonous plants, and even human medications could cause serious injury or death to a puppy. We often forget how curious and smell-driven puppies can be and how they require chewing while teething. You can puppy proof your home by taking out clothes, toys for humans, TV remotes, and other loose items. These items should be replaced with toys and chews for puppies. It's a good idea to hide wiring under carpets or place plants out of reach for your puppy.


Remember that you have a baby to deal with, no matter what happens. You will lose your cool if you act out of control. Your puppy will believe you are crazy and will not trust you. Be a good parent. Keep cool.

These 18 rules will help you create the dog of dreams, not a nightmare canine companion. These basic rules are similar to child-raising. Have fun, be fair, and be clear (the 3 F's). Set limits. Dogs and children are happier when their parents are clearly in charge. Dogs require strong leaders to become good citizens. This story is about "As you sow, so will you reap." If you pay attention in the beginning, the rewards will be immeasurable.


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