An immaculately-dressed bunny models the tiniest dapper outfit his human has made

The PuiPui bunny always has a great sense of style. Japan-based Holland Lop wears dapper capes, capes, kimonos, driving caps, and crowns, which he gets made by the human Mumitan. PuiPui imitates a number of literary characters and popular figures with impeccable poise, including Sherlock Holmes and English Beefeaters.

PuiPui's best outfits were created by Mumitan. Every button, bow, and the three-piece suit is sewn with exceptional care, and her attention to detail is outstanding. The pictures are undeniably endearing as PuiPui tries seriously to model. Check out more of PuiPui's work on Instagram, where the duo is taking the world by storm.

Credit: @puipui_the_bunny

Hi everybun. I'm Puipui. I'm handsome, I'm dapper, and I'm a rabbit!! :D From crown to tuxedo, I like dressing up in costumes that my mum @mumitan creates for me.

Credit: @puipui_the_bunny

Credit: @puipui_the_bunny

Credit: @puipui_the_bunny

Credit: @puipui_the_bunny

Credit: @puipui_the_bunny

Credit: @puipui_the_bunny

Credit: @puipui_the_bunny

Credit: @puipui_the_bunny

Credit: @puipui_the_bunny

PuiPui: Instagram


What Does Catnip Do to Cats?

Catnip is very popular these days, you may or may not be familiar with catnip. But what most people don't know is what effect does catnip have on cats' behaviour and mood?
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